Nov 29, 2009

Towards the Untaming of the Gardens of our Seas: The Exhibition

A collaborative effort featuring new drawings and watercolour works by Soraya Taher and Mithun Jayaram @ U.B. City, Bangalore.

Location of U.B. City (its 1cm directly under the [A] point),
After entering through the main doors and security checks,
take a right and ride the escalator up one floor.
Date and Timing:
Friday, 19th November (opening day) - 7:00 pm onwards
Saturday, 20th to Friday 26th November (gallery timings) - 11:00am - 8:00pm (Soraya and i will be around this time too... feel free to come join us in conversation, we may be preparing an installation during this time)
Short bio:

Links in relation to the works:
- Opening day pics.
- The works showcased.
- Excerpt from, "Preoccupations;Things that artists do" by Cornelia Erdmann and Micheal Lee.
- Link to the Flickr page with more pictures that will be added in time.


  1. I'm glad I dropped by. some lovely work.
    It would be interesting to know what happened with the booklet waste CMYK strips that you planned to do something with:) Do post about them as well.

  2. i'm happy you three came by too.

    we we're just playing around that time you came by.. =) we'll be pushing it further once we collect more strips..
